April Weather in Marbella

A summary of what to expect with the weather if you are in Marbella during the month of April

The weather in April is somewhat unpredictable in terms of rain showers with some years remaining dry all month whereas others can have a week of rain.  That said the temperatures are certainly starting to raise and Spring is in the air.  The average high in April is 16 degrees but can get up to 20 degrees in the middle of the day whereas the lows can go down to 11 degrees in the evenings so it's not quite balmy summer temperatures but certainly for those travelling from Northern Europe you will start to feel much warmer!

Some good places to visit
In April, depending the year, you may be celebrating Easter in Marbella.  This means that taking a trip into Marbella Old Town is a must which should be combined with some shopping, perhaps Olive Oil tasting at the fabulous D'Oliva and a dinner in one of the many super eateries such as Zozoi, Casanis, Frenchette or The Orange Tree.

What to pack - Essentials / What to wear
You will need a mix of some winter and summer wardrobe for a visit in April. It's a good idea to have a light jacket, cardigan, or at least a shawl idea as in the evening you will need something to keep you warm as the sun goes down and you'll probably want trousers or jeans on saving your shorts and skirts for the daytime.

Best places to find the locals
For those of us that work in one of the many summer orientated businesses here, April is our last chance to enjoy some calm before the storm so we will likely be treating ourselves to some long Sunday lunches at venues like Breathe or Sea Grill maybe for a luxury Brunch.

What you should be drinking
  • Champagne Sangría
  • A bottle of Muga, Rioja with some fine tapas in the Old Town